MSR Rolling Total
MSR has reported its latest 2011 Rolling Total, of Reported Maritime Security Incidents.
The figures up to the end of May are as follows:
• 319 total number of incidents as at 31 May 11
• 239 incidents of piracy or attempted piracy. *
• 31 incidents of piracy & hijack of vessels.
• 47 incidents of robbery at anchorages.
• Total 69 incidents of robbery or attempted robbery at anchorages or berths.
• 3 Political incidents.
• 8 Acts of Terrorism.
* This includes 10 incidents where the crew have locked themselves into a ‘citadel’ while the pirates were in board. The pirates failed to gain control of the vessel and abandoned the vessel usually after doing some damage.
ReCAAP and the IMO have reported incidents not previously reported by IMB or the US ONI. Additionally, a number of other agencies are reporting incidents, particularly the hijack of dhows which are subsequently becoming mother ships.